The funding process is quite simple and takes only a few weeks. It consists of three phases: Intake, Investigation and Advice.

The initial information exchange takes place with one of a case managers of the funder. These experienced lawyers, broadly versed and some with particular specialized knowledge, know the right questions to ask to explore whether your case can be considered for the next step: a more comprehensive feasibility study.
After sufficient information and documentation is received by the funder, the case is presented to a team of experienced and veteran lawyers: A Risk Committee and Investment Committee. If it is necessary, they may engage external expertise we will do so. This may be the case, for example, in land valuation or international issues. This research, or better study, may take the necessary weeks.
The Committee gives a negative or positive recommendation to the board. Upon a positive opinion, the previously sent agreements are signed by the client and the funder. The case can be started. Or the case can be continued if there is already a pending case. The existing or yet-to-be-elected attorney always remains Dominus litis – master of the process.